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Synopsis or Whatever

Joey Kasaras is not an average 18-year-old. Cursed with Stupendous powers that can only be described as broken and ridiculous, he must embark on a new mission, to save his girlfriend Angela from the clutches of an evil island located off of the coast of Japan. This is an island where nefarious masterminds, super powers, thugs with black belts, and giant monsters seem to be the norm. Armed only with his wits (or lack of them), he'll stop at nothing to save her. This is the story of how Stupendous Man (TM) rescued his girlfriend from the island of Obamashu (小浜朱), also known as the Super City.

Issue #2: Confrontation

Things start to move as Joey fall asleep for the night. After a terrible nightmare, he finally comes face to face with David Obamashu, the Minister of International affairs for the island of Obamashu. However, what dark secret does Obamashu hold? For the first time ever, watch Joey don his Stupendous suit as Stupendous Man (TM) and witness the awesome power he holds.

Super City: Confrontation (Issue 2)

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